Sunday, March 2, 2008

She kicks ass, alright...

I'm talking about Siouxsie. As you may have gathered from the previous post. And I'm wondering if there will be more amatuer gig reviews than musings on the Capital of Culture by the end of this blog's first year. But hey ho, I saw her last night at The Academy in Liverpool and yes, she certainly does still kick ass. She started off by saying it was a surreal day...mainly because downstairs on another stage was one Soapstar Superstar Richard Fleeshman. Suzie wasn't impressed. Neither was I. And my companion (Nick, goes to more gigs than anyone I know) said the first time he saw Siouxsie was 29 years ago at the Liverpool Empire. There was a near riot...caused by Siousxie kicking a bouncer in the head with her stiletto. There was blood. This date was confirmed by two lads on the next table in Ma Egerton's pre gig. Enough to make you feel old? Not one bit.

This time the audience didn't totally consist of mainly men in their forties. It seems there's a new breed of young punks who have discovered the magic. She's fifty. She's fabulous in a skintight catsuit. And she can high kick like no one's business. I want to be like that...

It was good to see she was still willing to kick a bouncer's head in but this time he got away lightly. I didn't see her the first time round but that didn't matter. We're in the here and now, she's got a new album and next time I hit the dance floor I'll be trying out a few new moves.

On other news the radio show went off fine. I didn't swear at least. I'm off to see The Fall on Friday and back on City Talk 105.9fm on Saturday 15th March.

Hands up who needs culture...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough to make you feel young again, more like. Siouxsie: love her. Dollface: love it. Am thrilled to have yet another method of living the life vicarious, but wish I'd have been there with you to do it in person. Soon, oooh, soon!