Sunday, February 28, 2010

Grow Your Own

Having recently acquired an allotment I've been contemplating using this space as my new green diary instead of abandoning it like I have for the last year.

It's been a few weeks of digging over and seed buying. Potatoes are chitting and I've been planning the herb garden. Should I plant the carrots next to the rosemary bush?

Watch this space.


Animal Disco said...

Yay, you're back! Why didn't you alert me immediately? Good job I'm nosy...

What does chitting mean (or was that a spelling mistake?).

Bye bye, love x

Your lovely daughter said...

Since you deleted your facebook i will have to stalk you on this! But please can you write something interesting I'm sick of hearing about that god damn allotment! (even dad has facebook status's about it now) and I'm not even at home! Love you xxx