Thursday, May 8, 2008


This entire post is dedicated to the fact that I cooked the Animal Disco's (As I've said before, if I were a better blogger I could do you a link... you'll find it on here. The clue's in the title) delicious store cupboard recipe the other night. Mmm. And I haven't yet emailed to tell her personally. But the proof is in the sausage and it was even scoffed by both sons for whom one had the veggie version (patent mine) and both are normally found to fake very dramatic vomiting when faced with a stew-like dish. Top marks, Mel.

Does that count as a good blog bait or is it cheating? I'm exhausted with having to traipse around Topman for over an hour buying a prom dress for Number One son...well a suit, but you get my drift.

If only she could join me for a pick me up gin in the Ev in ten minutes life would be perfect.

Bye, bye Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This counts as excellent blog baiting. Glad the recipe worked out! I will now live on ready made versions of humble pie followed by gin and bitters chasers for the rest of the day (or at least until I'm free enough of work to post a 'refresher' on my own tired little ramble-page). See you in the Ev in June.

(by the way, you're tempting fate with your finishing flourish)
